If you’re searching for a way to create unlimited business emails for free, Cloudflare offers a secure and efficient solution. By using Cloudflare email routing feature, you can set up professional business email addresses that integrate seamlessly with your Gmail account. This means you’ll enjoy all the functionalities of Gmail while managing your business emails through Cloudflare. Ready to get started? Let’s explore how this process works.
How to Connect Cloudflare to your domain?
Before we start, ensure you have a Cloudflare account. If you’re not already using Cloudflare, you’ll need to sign up and add your website to Cloudflare by updating your domain’s nameservers. We won’t cover this process in detail in this article to keep it concise, but if you encounter any issues, feel free to leave a comment. We’ll be happy to create a tutorial on this topic if needed.
How it Works?
When you link your domain to Cloudflare, you gain access to their business email creation features. Cloudflare manages all necessary DNS records for email, such as MX and DKIM, using its own servers. This setup allows you to create and receive emails, which Cloudflare then forwards to any destination address you specify.
In this guide, we’ll utilize Gmail for email management. Cloudflare will forward all incoming emails to your personal Gmail account, and you’ll use Gmail’s SMTP server to send emails. This approach combines Cloudflare’s robust email handling with the familiar functionality of Gmail, ensuring a seamless experience.
Step 1 Create Destination at Cloudflare

Go to your cloudflare dashboard and select your domain where you want to create business email.
After selecting your domain choose option Email as you can see in left image. This option redirected you to email routing.
Have you selected email option? now go to the destination option as you can see in bottom image.

Now, you have to create a new destination address where you will recive all your emails. To do that just click on add destination address.

Add your personal gmail account, if you want to forword your emails to another platform like outlook, proton etc. Just type here.

Once you fill your addres click on save button.
Now open you gmail inbox and look for a new email you have been recived from cloudflare, in this mail you have a link to confim this requestion simply confirm your account.

You can see your account is verified to recive emails. Not step 1 is completed next move to the step 2.
Step 2 Create Business Email in Cloudflare
In step 2 we will create business emails using cloudflare to do that just go to the option that called “Routing rules” and click on create address button.

Here you can see some input field,
- in Custom address you have to add you email name like info, contact whatever you want just type in field 1.
- In Destination select your account where you want to recive your emails.
In action dropdown make it to send to an email, don’t change it.

After filling out this submission click on save button. Now you have successfully created business email and this email address are now working to recive emails.
Now have succuessfully created business email using cloudflare and this email ready to recive emails but we have to recive and send mails. Now next move on the 3 step which helps us to setup gmail smtp to send emails using your business email.
Step 3 Add Business Email in Gmail to Sent Mails
To sent mails using your business email you have to login your google account and create a app password.
The app password will help you to create applications using your account such like drive application gmail application and more.
Create App Password in Google Account
To create an app password first of all you have to turn on 2Factor Authentication. i know many people are using this to secure their account but still you are not using 2FA? worry not we will help to to turn on this feature.
First of all go to the manage account. Here you can see a security option just click on it.

Go to 2-Step Verification setting.

Here you can see a turn of 2-Step Verification button appear in my case i am using 2FA that’s why this setting is on as you can see in bottom image.

Choose methods to verify you account if you using your gmail account in mobile device then Google Prompt option will activated automatically bu you have to add a extra layer security that’s why i reccomend you google authenticator app or a phone number verification.
Make sure to take backup codes and write it on paper or store on safe place if you lost your phone number or delted authenticator app and yo does not provide otp to login your account your account will be locked so that’s why we take a backup code to recover google account in any case.

This setting will secure your account and add a extra leayer of security, if someone try to login your google account and provide password of your account then google ask for verify 2FA using these.
Let’s move on the next step, sroll down the page and in button you have an option apear called “App Password” as you can see in image below.

Select this option to create App Password.

Give the application name whatever you want for ex: testing app, email app bla bla in “App name” Field and click on create button.

Your App Password is generated successfully copy the password and store it in notepad or other place were you want because this app password will help us to sent email using your businesss email.
Let’s move on the next step.
Add Your Business Email to Gmail
To add your business email to gmail go the the mail.google.com i will reccomend you to do this method in PC.
Go to the gmail setting and click on “Accounts and Import” here you can see a option that is “add a email address” i am already using another account that’s why i have option to “add another email address” just click on it.

Now a window is open here you have to provide Name or email address.
- in Name field provide your business email name which you are created in cloudflare.
- in Email address field provide you complete business email.
After filling these fields click on “Next Step” button as you can see in image below.

Now this setting is most important so do that carefully, here you have to fill 3 requred fields.
- in SMTP Server remove content and just type [ smtp.google.com ] as it is.
- in Username add your gmail account.
- in Password paste your App Password which you are careted in 2FA setting.
Don’t change port number if you are using google smtp if you want to use another mailing server then you can change otherwise don’t change.
Make sure your details correct you can see example in image below and just click on “Add Account”.

Here you can see congratulations massege your setting is done.

Now close this window and go to your gmail inbox you have recived a confirmation email to your business email here you can see in image below.

You have recived an email with a confirmation link you just have to cofirm this link by clicking on the link.

Click on the link and you will redirected your gmail confirmation setting just click on confirm.

Woo Hoo ! you have created Business email and successfully added your email to Gmail. Now can you recive or sent emails using your business email and all features of google you can use for your business for free.
Sending emails is also possible with your mobile decive just login your google account in mobile gmail application and select compose where you can see a dropdown where you can select your email to sent.
Here is the example of pc version in image below.

In from are can see your accounts just select and sent emails.
If you have a query or question related to cloudlfare email and gmail setting just comment your query and leave feedback in comment area.
Do I need to purchase a domain to create business emails with Cloudflare?
Yes, you will need a domain to create business emails. If you don’t have one, you can register a domain through various providers and then connect it to Cloudflare.
Can I use Cloudflare’s email routing for free?
Yes, Cloudflare’s email routing is a free service that allows you to create and forward business emails to your personal accounts like Gmail.
Does Cloudflare store my emails?
No, Cloudflare does not store your emails. It simply forwards incoming emails to the destination address you specify, such as Gmail or Outlook.
Is Gmail’s 2-Factor Authentication necessary for this setup?
Yes, enabling 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required to create an app password, which is necessary to send emails through your business email using Gmail.
How many business email addresses can I create with Cloudflare?
You can create unlimited business email addresses using Cloudflare’s email routing feature.
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